Motivational Speaker in India in the field of Education

Motivational Seminar for College students to  – Provide insight about corporate job so that they don’t face difficulty in getting jobs.  – Motivates students to build the skills and importance of studying their curriculum well. Root cause of Employable skill gap leading to unemployed professionals Couple of years back, industries were having double digit growth. …

How to Choose a Career

  Most of us are not clear that what we actually want to do or what we should do. This confusion is result of many things: 1. The way we study subject in school/college, it is just like moving ahead blind folded. At that time we don’t spend much time with us to know our …

Rajiv Dixit: “Azadi Bachao Andolan” and “Bharat Swabhiman Andolan”

  Rajiv Ji is inspiration for many. I am amazed to see the kind of work he has done in short span. Knowledge that he had about different things is just AMAZING. He has been an exception orator. I consider his death as greatest loss to India. With his guidance that could have been done in …

Detailed analysis of problems in School Education system (Hindi)

    =================================================== Detailed analysis of problems in Primary and Secondary school education And Proposed Solutions For Imparting TRUE EDUCATION And Self-Enabling the Students =================================================== Read more: Prepared by: Vikas Jain (Founder of Adhyan, way of learning) Table of Contents Common Problems Reported by students 4 Most difficult subject to study is Mathematics. Specially Geometry. 4 Mostly problems are faced with …

Bawa talking about Technology of Spirituality and Ancient Indian Knowledge

  An – amazing video with – amazing information by – amazing speaker on – amazing topic 🙂

Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee speaking in Hindi at United Nations

  Sept 13, 2002 United Nation: श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी हिंदी में बोलते हुए| प्रधानमंत्री हिंदी में बोल रहे है जो ध्यान देने पर सुनी जा सकती है| उसका अनुवाद इंग्लिश में सुनाई दे रहा है| बहुत से लोग तो आज भारत में भी हिंदी बोलने में शरमाते है पर कुछ ही लोग है जो …

TED Patricia Ryan: Ideas in All Languages not just English

  Patricia Ryan has presented quite a different thought against the normal thought prevalent these days. I also believe in this thought process that one should learn many languages but basic learning is most efficient in our first language. Hence unnecessarily one should not force themselves to achieve something which is actually not required. Please read this …

Shri Narendra Modi Speaking in Hindi at the JETRO Investment Seminar in Tokyo, Japan

श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी JETRO इन्वेस्टमेंट सेमिनार टोक्यो जापान सब बातो के अलावा, ध्यान देने वाली बात है की आज भी “हिंदी” जिन्दा है| बहुत से लोग तो आज भारत में भी हिंदी बोलने में शरमाते है पर कुछ ही लोग है जो दुसरे देश में हिंदी में बोल कर आत्म सम्मान और बढ़ाते हैं|

Dr E Sreedharan the man behind success of Delhi Metro

डॉ . श्रीधरन, दिल्ली मेट्रो अगर आपको नहीं पता की डॉ . श्रीधरन कौन है तो इसे पढ़िए: आज विद्यार्थी अपना समय पता नहीं कैसी कैसी चीजों में लगा देते है पर काश कोई तरीका होता के उन्हें ऐसे विडियो देखने को मिलते जिनसे वो भी अच्छी अच्छी चीज़े सीख लेते| 1 of 14 …

Samskrita Bharati spreading Sanskrit as Spoken Language वैसे तो पूरा विडियो ही बहुत अच्छा है सबसे अच्छा मुझे ये भाग लगा जहाँ शास्त्री जी संस्कृत बोल रहे (2min 9sec)है और जैसे उन्होंने कहा वो समझने में आसान है| एक और बात इनके कैंप आपके आस पास भी चल रहे होंगे तो बस उनकी वेबसाइट पर जा कर अपना नाम लिखवा दीजिये