Motivational Speaker in India in the field of Education

Motivational Seminar for College students to  – Provide insight about corporate job so that they don’t face difficulty in getting jobs.  – Motivates students to build the skills and importance of studying their curriculum well. Root cause of Employable skill gap leading to unemployed professionals Couple of years back, industries were having double digit growth. …

SecurityTube: Hacking and Computer Security Tutorials

This has really good tutorial on Computer Security.  Mr. Vivek Ramachandran (owner) is a great trainer. He covers the difficult concept in easy to understand language.  

Samidha Group for free Computer Education in Hindi

आज के समय सम्पूर्ण संसार मे शायद ही कोई ऐसा इन्सान बचा होगा जो किसी न किसी रूप से कंप्यूटर या उससे होने वाले कामो से न जुड़ा हो. आज कंप्यूटर ने साक्षरता का परिभाषा ही बदल कर रख दिया है. आज के समय जो कंप्यूटर नहीं जानता उससे निरक्षर कहा जाता हैं. हम्रारे देश …

Earning from hindi website and alternative of adense

This is the issue I faced while working on my first website which was in Hindi. वेबसाइट बनाने के बाद ये भी मन करता है की अगर उस से पैसे भी कमाए जाए तो अच्छा हो| यही सोच कर सबसे पहले पता चलता है “Google Ads” का| पर Google ने मेरी वेबसाइट को Apporve नहीं …

Careercup for Programming Interview Questions One of the good site to find interview question in clean and easy to read format.     About Gayle Laakmann McDowell(Founder of Gayle Laakmann McDowell‘s interviewing expertise comes from vast experience on both sides of the desk. She has completed Software Engineering interviews with – and received offers from – Microsoft, Google, …