Bindeshwar Pathak founder of Sulabh International

Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak has setup an unique and one of its kind example by founding Sulabh International. An organization working in the field of sanitation and toilet designing. Excerpt from his story as written in “I have a dream” by Rashmi Bansal. “As Bindeshwar puts it, “Some people are absolutely certain – they think straight. …

Muhammad Yunus founder of Grameen Bank

Professor Muhammad Yunus has setup an example for generations to come, about Social Entrepreneurship by setting up Grameen bank. Author of “Banker to the Poor” also wrote another book “Creating a World Without Poverty”. Some of the excerpt of “Creating a World Without Poverty” that I liked very much are: “Global trade is like a hundred-lane …

Need to develop Problem Solving skill in Education

मैंने अभी यह article पढ़ा और मुझे बहुत ही पसंद आया| सबसे अच्छी बात जो इसमें बताई गयी की स्कूल में हम Maths और Science की Problem तो Solve करते है पर उस से हमें Problem Solving Skill नहीं आती| इसी वजह से हमें हमेशा Problems दिखाई देती है और हम उनसे परेशान रहते है| …

Adhyan: Methods of studying the subjects better

– एनसीईआरटी की पुस्तकों का अध्ययन करने का सही तरीका (Correct Method of studying NCERT books) – शब्दों को मलतब समझना (Know/understand words etymology) – विषयों को वास्तविक जीवन से मिला कर समझना (Relate the concept to real life situations) – एक विषय को दुसरे विषय से मिला कर समझना (Relate the concept of one …

Etymology: Understand words meaning and origin to study better

आज कल की किताबो में और कुछ साल पहले लिखी गयी किताबो में एक फर्क होता है| वो फर्क यह है की पहले किसी भी विषय को शुरू करने से पहले उसका विषय के नाम का मतलब समझाया जाता था| इसके बहुत सारे फायदे होते है जो नीचे लिखे है: पहला फायदा: ऐसा करने से …

BBC talk on Contribution of Indians to the Mathematical World – Invention of zero – Aryabhatta giving Cryptographic patterns. – Lilavati – Besides many topics that have been covered, one common thing is that every topic ends with feeling of amazement that how Indian did that in ancient time. Below mentioned video would talk about Jain religion having references of very large numbers and …

IIT-JEE Entrance Exam in Hindi

IIT-JEE का Entrance Exam अब हिंदी में भी दिया जा सकता है| यह एक अच्छी शुरुआत है| अभी तो सिर्फ एंट्रंस हिंदी में होगा| काश एक ऐसा समय आएगा जब पूरी इंजीनियरिंग ही हिंदी में हो जायेगी| नीचे कुछ और लिंक दिए हुए है जो इसके बारे में और जानकारी देंगे| …

“Funders and Founders” facebook community for Entrepreneur A very informative and innovative community to convey the thoughts and challenges faced by Entrepreneur. Designer Anna Vital is very creative.

Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) Gujarat An institute to nurture the Entrepreneurial skill to the students with different types of courses. Courses includes MBA, Diploma and a special program to develop social entrepreneurship in specific.