Category Archives: School/College
Bawa: Talk on Ingredients of Success
प्रोफेशनल लाइफ में हमें क्या चाहिए कामियाब होने के लिए 20% से कम domain knowledge और बाकी Soft स्किल्स हम अपना समय कैसे लगते हैं 20% से कम सोफ्ट स्किल्स(Soft Skills) के लिए और बाकी domain knowledge सोच कर देखो इस बारे में [English] In professional life, we What we NEED to have successful career: …
Mathemagic by Bawa: Simple Prove for Mathematical Equation (a + b)² Maths आज कल बहुत ही complicated way में बच्चो को पढाया जाता है| उसका result यह है की बच्चो को maths से डर लगने लगता है| इस विडियो में बावा (a + b)² का proof दिखायेंगे| अगर आपको यह समझ आ जाता है तो सोचिये के बाकी के subjects भी अगर ऐसे ही पढाये …
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IIT-JEE Entrance Exam in Hindi
IIT-JEE का Entrance Exam अब हिंदी में भी दिया जा सकता है| यह एक अच्छी शुरुआत है| अभी तो सिर्फ एंट्रंस हिंदी में होगा| काश एक ऐसा समय आएगा जब पूरी इंजीनियरिंग ही हिंदी में हो जायेगी| नीचे कुछ और लिंक दिए हुए है जो इसके बारे में और जानकारी देंगे| …
Udacity for online college subjects
Great resource with lots of courses available on different topics.
Kernighan and Ritchie (book) to study C Programming
There is a difference between course book and reference book. This book is considered the industry standard to study C programming. For beginners, it may sound difficult. But if somebody is able to grasp the concept from this book, then he/she can really vouch for their C programming skill.
Google Code Jam programming competition
An international competition to participate, prove and learn computer programming. Students can also use this to enhance their career prospects.
Codechef programming competition
A nice website to test your programming skills. One can also enhance their skill by competing with others.
Careercup for Programming Interview Questions One of the good site to find interview question in clean and easy to read format. About Gayle Laakmann McDowell(Founder of Gayle Laakmann McDowell‘s interviewing expertise comes from vast experience on both sides of the desk. She has completed Software Engineering interviews with – and received offers from – Microsoft, Google, …
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