Education and Training Fair WORLDDIDAC INDIA 2012

Good to know about technologies available in Education and Training space Source: THE EVENT A visit to WORLDDIDAC INDIA 2012 is a must for all in this sector. Update your global overview of education, training trends and products and Network across the continents with educators and those from the educational supplies & training industry. …

Real life story where fluency in native language won over lack of English

In the society where English speaking is considered a benchmark of quality and Education of the person. Here is story of mine where fluency in native language helped me rebuild my confidence on public speaking skill.

Need to develop Problem Solving skill in Education

मैंने अभी यह article पढ़ा और मुझे बहुत ही पसंद आया| सबसे अच्छी बात जो इसमें बताई गयी की स्कूल में हम Maths और Science की Problem तो Solve करते है पर उस से हमें Problem Solving Skill नहीं आती| इसी वजह से हमें हमेशा Problems दिखाई देती है और हम उनसे परेशान रहते है| …

Adhyan: Methods of studying the subjects better

– एनसीईआरटी की पुस्तकों का अध्ययन करने का सही तरीका (Correct Method of studying NCERT books) – शब्दों को मलतब समझना (Know/understand words etymology) – विषयों को वास्तविक जीवन से मिला कर समझना (Relate the concept to real life situations) – एक विषय को दुसरे विषय से मिला कर समझना (Relate the concept of one …

Etymology: Understand words meaning and origin to study better

आज कल की किताबो में और कुछ साल पहले लिखी गयी किताबो में एक फर्क होता है| वो फर्क यह है की पहले किसी भी विषय को शुरू करने से पहले उसका विषय के नाम का मतलब समझाया जाता था| इसके बहुत सारे फायदे होते है जो नीचे लिखे है: पहला फायदा: ऐसा करने से …

NPTEL Online Engineering courses from professors of IIT and IISc Everyone students in India wants to pursue Engineering from IIT and IISc. In case you did not get a chance to study in IIT, you can still get the best learning from professors of IIT and IISc. This initiative can provide you study material for all subject of Engineering. If you have already …

Adhyan: Why students go to tuitions/coaching center

The detailed analysis of why students go to tuition with real life examples. Even if it has become necessity and there are not options left these days, but still good to know the root cause. Everyone knows that Tuition has become integral part of our Education System. But do we really know how the need …