Sudeshna Mukherjee

SudeshnaMukherjeeSudeshna Mukherjee is strategy consultant, a writer, a motivation speaker, corporate trainer and a life skill enhancer.  Ms. Mukherjee holds a masters degree in business administration, in marketing and communication and has a certificate in business environment and strategy management from IIT Delhi. She is associated with Adhyan Innovative Learning as Strategy consultant and Speaker. Prior to joining Adhyan, she spent good sixteen years in the IT industry in the corporate sector through various leadership roles, understanding its intricacies.

Ms. Mukherjee has done extensive study on understanding various facets of life, those that pave the way to achieving dreams as well as those that shut the door. Drawing inspiration from Bhagwad Gita, she firmly believes that every human is born with immense potential. She specializes in building upon the strengths inherent in every human and situation, harnessing the available opportunities while minimising the fault lines and threats to be able to achieve one’s goals.

There are many clients vouching for the strategic and analytic capability of Ms. Mukherjee, who have benefited from her models and have thus paved the way to their success.

Ms. Mukherjee has done several trainings in the corporate sector, most important ones being “Planning blueprint” and “Project Management Primer“. Some of her other flagship programmes include “The leader in You“, “Situational leadership“, “Effective and successful: inside-outside” etc. Some of her well known open house programmes include “Renew Me – Spread my wings“, “Take the plunge“, “Life – Part II“, etc.

As a part of her giving back to society philosophy, Ms. Mukherjee is associated with various groups and organizations to reach out to the disadvantaged section of the society as well. Her workshop cum programme ‘Finishing school‘ is a programme specially designed for the employment seeking youth, to be able to bridge the gap between the protective walls of education institute and the challenges of the real life. “Enterprising YOU” is another of her programmes to encourage the youth to realize their potential and be self employed instead of seeking employment. To make the youth language literate, she runs a few language literacy programmes also.

The effectiveness in delivery model of Ms. Mukherjee is drawn from her content, articulation and personal experience gathered through the years. Having travelled both inside and outside the country, she has first-hand experience of cultural differences, diverse opinions, aspirations, issues, setups etc. These form an important basis of her thought pattern. She believes that learning and growing go hand in hand. When we stop learning, we stop growing. Her delivery draws strength from her passion to give back to society and make even small but real differences in lives of people she comes across.

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