Professor Muhammad Yunus has setup an example for generations to come, about Social Entrepreneurship by setting up Grameen bank. Author of “Banker to the Poor” also wrote another book “Creating a World Without Poverty”. Some of the excerpt of “Creating a World Without Poverty” that I liked very much are:
“Global trade is like a hundred-lane highway criss-crossing the world. If it is a free-for-all highway, with no stoplights, speed limits, size restrictions, or even lane markers, its surface will be taken over by the giant trucks from the world’s most powerful economies. Small vehicles— a farmer’s pickup truck or Bangladesh’s bullock carts and human-powered rickshaws—will be forced off the highway.”
“To me poor people are like bonsai trees. When you plant the best seed of the tallest tree in a flower-pot, you get a replica of the tallest tree, only inches tall. There is nothing wrong with the seed you planted, only the soil-base that is too inadequate. Poor people are bonsai people. There is nothing wrong in their seeds. Simply, society never gave them the base to grow on. All it needs to get the poor people out of poverty for us to create an enabling environment for them. Once the poor can unleash their energy and creativity, poverty will disappear very quickly.”