Invite Vikas Jain to Speak

[googlefont font=”Playfair Display” size=”30px” color=”#003366″ margin=”10px 0 20px 0″ align=”center”]Vikas Jain[/googlefont] [three_fourth] Vikas Jain is an Author, Global Professional Speaker and Founder & CEO of Adhyan &

“Vikas Jain is specialized in delivering customized programs which are Highly focused, Research & Case study based and Thought-provoking while being Inspirational, Engaging and Experiential”

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His flagship programs include Self-Learning Leadership, Self-Learning Entrepreneurship, Adhyan Eklavya Vikas and more. He has delivered programs for various corporations including Fortune 500 companies for Senior Leadership and various other levels.



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Engaging, Experiential Programs

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Program Delivered in English

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​Program Delivered in Hindi

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Some of our Clients


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More about Vikas Jain

Prior to starting Adhyan, I have been a high performing business executive in organizations like IBM and McAfee. I experienced rapid ascension in my profile in both the companies. Due to my innovative ability, excellent people skills and intuitive intelligence, my confidence soared to a point that I transitioned to Entrepreneurship to make the most of my inner capabilities.

Pursued Masters in Computer Applications from University of Delhi, India and Bachelors in Science from Hansraj College, University of Delhi, India. Also did various certifications in software, training and psychology and have published various research papers. Read more about Life Journey of Vikas Jain.