Need to develop Problem Solving skill in Education


मैंने अभी यह article पढ़ा और मुझे बहुत ही पसंद आया| सबसे अच्छी बात जो इसमें बताई गयी की स्कूल में हम Maths और Science की Problem तो Solve करते है पर उस से हमें Problem Solving Skill नहीं आती| इसी वजह से हमें हमेशा Problems दिखाई देती है और हम उनसे परेशान रहते है| उधारण की लिए अगर मुझे कार चलानी आती है तो में Driving को enjoy करूंगा| वरना बस गलत drive करूंगा| खुद भी परेशान होंगा और रोड पर औरो को भी परेशान करूंगा|

चिन्तनीया हि विपदां आदावेव प्रतिक्रिया |
न कूपखननं युक्तं प्रदीप्ते वान्हिना गॄहे ||

It is improper to start digging the well after the house has caught fire! We should be pro-active i.e. we should have the solutions ready even before some problem comes to us.

I just read this article and I liked it very much. Best think about this article is that Although we solve Maths and Science problems in schools but we still don’t get “Problem Solving Skill”. Due to this, we always see problems everywhere and bothered by them.  For example, if we know car driving then we would enjoy the trip otherwise I would not drive properly. I would also be in problem and would also create problem for others.

Please read:

Problem-solving as education: Philadelphia’s Sustainability Workshop